Tuesday, March 29

Hollywood Cemetery: Just a number

Sunday, before the big vcu game of course, I decided to visit one the most historical sites in Richmond, Hollywood Cemetery. I had never been so I didn't know what to expect, i simply just drove in parked my car got out and just wandered for hours with my camera. Eventually I found myself on Confederate Avenue. I began seeing tons and tons of graves with military ranks and confederate flags. Once I figured out that I had stumbled upon the confederate troops burial ground my fascination intensified. I immediately began to just feel the history of the surrounding area and understand just what I was looking at. The civil war shaped our nation and to be a spot where it was so strongly remembered was moving for me. After wandering around and snapping photos I started to see that some of the graves simply only had numbers on them. After looking closer they were little tiny cement headstones all numbered in order, no name no anything. I thought to myself what it was must be like to be simply known as just a number? What if the only way your existence was acknowledged was by a number marking a nameless boy. The thought was disturbing but provoking at the same time. Two days later I am still stuck on the thought of being known as just a number.... ( pictures to follow)

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